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Religous Education

Religious Education Program has been Postponed: Please contact us for more details and offerings
We have a small, tight nit, group of religious education students in our one room school house ranging in age from 4-11 years old. Curriculum programming grows with the children year to year on a cyclical basis. Each new group of children learns the basic bible stories and how they relate to our Unitarian Universalist principles. After the basics are covered curriculum moves on to the principles themselves and how we each can add to our community as citizens of our church, schools, town, country and planet.
The children are encouraged to participate in the monthly intergenerational service. This monthly service is generally more universally themed, is shorter and has music that children can relate to. 
Parent volunteers are welcome to participate in the religious education program. 
Prepping the Little Guys:  
Unitarian Universalist Principles
There are many misconceptions about Unitarian Universalists. One is that we embrace all beliefs; another is that we embrace no beliefs. The truth lies somewhere in between. The fact is that, as Unitarian Universalists, we are united in our commitment to conduct a responsible search for meaning, to respect the interdependent web of existence that we are part of, to be advocates and workers for social justice, and to honor the inherent worth of all beings. As Unitarian Universalists, we affirm and promote seven principles.

These seven UU principles have been modified for children 

1. Each person is important.
2. Be kind in all you do.
3. We're free to learn together.
4. We search for what is true.
5. All people need a voice.
6. Build a fair and peaceful world.
7. We care for Earth's lifeboat. 

Spirit Play has added color coded to them

1. Respect All People (Red Promise )
2. Offer kind and fair treatment to all (Orange Promise)
3. Grow by Exploring What is True and Right (Green Promise)
4. Believe in our Ideas and Act on Them (Blue Promise)
5. Yearn to Accept and Learn About Ourselves and Others (Yellow Promise)
6. Insist on Freedom, Justice, and Peace for all People (Indigo Promise)
7. Value our home, Earth, that we share with all living beings (Violet Promise)

Article Provided By:
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh

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